California Innovation Nation Episode 1: Garage Innovations

California Innovation Nation Episode 1: Garage Innovations

California Innovation Nation Episode 1: Garage Innovations

    From Hula Hoop to Hyperloop, explore California’s place at the forefront of the modern, tech-driven economy, starting where it all started – in the garage.

    Part incubator, part creative workspace, credited as the birthplace of Silicon Valley and subsequent revolutions in tech, art, transportation, there is something magical going on in the garages of California. From mushroom surfboards created in Riverside to Mars architecture, Seven California innovators share their rules for breaking all the rules.

    Featured in this episode:

    • Whamo! Toys
    • Danny Del Toro and David Purser, Co-Founders, ENV Boards
    • Kelly ‘Risk’ Graval, Godfather of West Coast Street Art
    • Hodari Sababu, Founder, L.A. Hood Life Tourz
    • Pasha Shapiro, Designer, Animator and Co-creator, Master of the Sun
    • Vera Mulyani, Mars Architect
    • Josh Giegel, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Virgin Hyperloop One

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